Shipment processing time:
All orders are processed within 3 business days.
Shipping rates and delivery estimates:
Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.
Country |
Estimated delivery time |
Shipping carrier |
Shipment cost |
6-9 business days |
Fedex Home Delivery |
14-22 business days |
Dhl Global Mail |
Calculated at checkout |
Australia |
8-14 business days |
Fedex International |
Calculated at checkout |
United Kingdom |
8-14 business days |
DHL Global Mail |
Calculated at checkout |
Canada |
7-12 business days |
FedEx |
Calculated at checkout |
Germany |
8-14 business days |
DHL Global Mail |
Calculated at checkout |
Delivery options are determined by your shipping address; we use FedEx, USPS and several regional carriers to provide the best service as determined by our system. Estimated delivery times are provided at checkout and are calculated in business days (not including weekends or holidays) from the date your order is shipped. We'll send you an email with detailed carrier and tracking information when your order has shipped.
Shipment confirmation and order tracking:
You will get a shipment confirmation within 24/72 Hours.
If you received your order damaged, please contact our support team directly to file a claim. Please save all packaging material and damaged goods before filing a claim.